Creative Hearts United and Cheshire East Filipino Community Forge Partnership

26 February 2023 – In a significant step towards bolstering Filipino community development and promotion of Philippine arts and culture, Mr Ronald Chu of Creative Hearts United and Mrs Pauline Petoral Tinsley, representing the Cheshire East Filipino Community, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on 26 February 2024. This milestone agreement marks the beginning of a collaborative effort aimed at achieving common goals within the Filipino community.

The memorandum outlines several key areas of collaboration:

Consultation: Both parties commit to consulting each other on matters of common interest, including community events and cultural programs. By establishing regular communication channels, they aim to facilitate effective consultation and coordination, ensuring that their initiatives align with the needs and aspirations of the community.

Coordination of Activities: Creative Hearts United and the Cheshire East Filipino Community will explore opportunities to coordinate their activities for mutual benefit. This may involve organising joint events or projects that promote the Philippine arts a culture, diversity, and inclusivity within the Filipino community. By pooling their resources and expertise, they aim to amplify the impact of their initiatives and enhance community engagement.

Setting up of the Organisation: Creative Hearts United has pledged to provide guidance and support to the Cheshire East Filipino Community in the establishment of their organisation. This collaborative effort will involve sharing best practices, resources, and strategies to ensure the success and sustainability of the community group. Through mentorship and capacity-building initiatives, they seek to empower the Filipino community to take ownership of their initiatives and drive positive change.

Access to Funding: Both parties have committed to share information about funding opportunities to support their respective initiatives and projects. This may include seeking sponsorship arrangements or grant applications aimed at securing financial resources for community development programs. By leveraging their collective networks and resources, they aim to secure sustainable funding sources to fuel their works.

This Memorandum of Cooperation formalises their partnership, signalling a commitment to collective action and community empowerment. Witnessed by Mrs Emma Chu and Mr Gary Tinsley, they aim to create positive change and foster a stronger, more vibrant Filipino community through collaboration and shared vision.

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