Celebrating a New Chapter: Creative Hearts United is a Registered Charity

13 November 2023. We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in the journey of Creative Hearts United. Our organisation achieved another remarkable feat by being officially registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

This momentous achievement marks a new chapter in our commitment to promoting Philippine arts, culture, and heritage within the vibrant communities of Yorkshire. The dedicated efforts of our trustees, Ronald Chu, Emma Chu, Vivian Bartolome, and Cherry Mullins, have played a crucial role in reaching this milestone.

A Legacy of Collaboration and Cultural Enrichment

Since 2013, Creative Hearts United founders, Ronald and Emma Chu have been actively collaborating with other Filipino charities, not-for-profit organisations, and social groups. Their mission has been to bring the richness of Philippine arts and cultural performances to the public, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for our heritage.

The trustees, with their collective vision and dedication, have consistently worked towards promoting and nurturing talent within the Filipino community in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK. This collaborative spirit has not only enriched our local cultural landscape but has also created a platform for artists and enthusiasts to showcase their talents and celebrate the diversity of our heritage.

Securing a Bright Future with Charitable Status

Historically, Creative Hearts United has been self-funded by the enthusiastic participation of our members. However, the attainment of charitable status as a CIO opens up new possibilities for our organisation. This recognition may enable us to access grants and additional funding to further support our initiatives and projects.

The newfound ability to secure external funding will undoubtedly enhance our capacity to organise more cultural and recreational events, workshops, and performances that benefit not only our community but also the broader public. We are excited about the potential for growth, outreach, and the positive impact we can create with the additional resources and support.

Join Us in Celebrating and Looking Forward

As we celebrate this milestone, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been a part of the Creative Hearts United journey—participants, collaborators, and supporters alike. Together, we have built a community that values and celebrates the beauty of our culture.

Looking forward, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you’re a performer, a volunteer, or someone passionate about promoting arts and culture, Creative Hearts United welcomes you. Together, let’s continue to promote Philippine arts, culture, and heritage, making a lasting impact on the communities we serve.

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